Thanks to Red Carpet Mainframe career with the Internal Revenue Service
Since last year, I have been working as a DBA DB2 at the IRS through Red Carpet. I like it very much. I am happy that, thanks to Red Carpet, I can continue my long mainframe career at the largest IBM mainframe user in the Netherlands and be an active part of the ¨community" again. Are you an IT professional looking for development opportunities, or are you a manager with an IT management challenge? I highly recommend you contact Red Carpet and get acquainted with the win-win formula.
Professional and driven IT staff
Professional and driven IT staff
RedCarpet originated from System Consultancy Partners (SCP) which some 25 years ago was the supplier (and preferred supplier) for IBM Mainframe specialists to all the major Mainframe users in the Netherlands. Everyone who was involved with IBM mainframes in those days knew SCP and did business with them, or worked through them at the large mainframe users in the Netherlands. I myself came through SCP to Martinair, Swets and Zeitlinger and later Rabobank, where I joined after a few years and became team leader z/OS delivery. SCP people formed a mainframe community. Everyone knew each other, helped each other and ensured quality delivery to customers. A win-win situation: SCP'ers could develop and the big companies of BV Nederland could dispose of professional and driven IT personnel.
Red Carpet community
Red Carpet community
The SCP community has always persisted. Even when SCP changed hands, but thankfully returned to founder Russel Barnes a few years ago and became Red Carpet. The SCP community is now the Red Carpet community: professionals helping each other, relieving customers and keeping complicated IT environments running, 7 x 24. The community has now expanded to include many more disciplines than just IBM mainframe. What remains is the win-win situation. Profit for the professional at SCP who can develop and design challenging and socially important IT projects and profit for the Netherlands.